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Zhongyuan Zhang

NameZhongyuan Zhang

Technical postAssociate Professor

AddressZhongling Street 50, Nanjing, 210014



Kyushu   University, Japan, 2009.09-2012.09, Doctor Degree

Professional   Experience

Jiangsu   Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China, 2014.08-Associate Professor

Kyushu   University, Japan, 2012.10-2013.07, Postdoctor

Scientific Research Field

Fruits and   Vegetables Processing and Nutrition Evaluation

Research on   processing and nutrition evaluation of fruits and vegetables, mainly   including changes of food matrix, degradation and stability of phytochemicals   during processing. In addition, the bioavailability interactions between   phytochemicals during digestion were done.  

Social academic post and honor

Peer reviewer   of Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryUltrasonics SonochemistryDrying TechnologyCytotechnology and so on.

Teaching Courses

Published   papers

1.Zhang Z, Nie   M, 投注平台 C, Jiang N, 投注平台 C, Li D *. Citrus flavanones enhance β-carotene uptake   in vitro experiment using Caco-2 cell: structure–activity relationship and   molecular mechanisms. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2019.   DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.9b01376Accept.

2.Nie M#,   Zhang Z#, 投注平台 C,*, Li D *, Huang W, 投注平台 C, Jiang N. Hesperetin and hesperidin   improved β-carotene incorporation efficiency, intestinal cell uptake, and   retinoid concentrations in tissues. Journal of Agricultural and Food   Chemistry.2019. DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.9b00551Accept.

3.Zhang Z, Wei   Q, Nie M, Jiang N, 投注平台 C, 投注平台 C, Li D*, Xu L. Microstructure and   bioaccessibility of different carotenoid species as affected by hot air   drying: Study on carrot, sweet potato, yellow bell pepper and broccoli. LWT -   Food Science and Technology, 2018, 96, 357-363.

4.Zhang Z, Wang   X, Li Y, Nie M, Li D*, Xiao Y, 投注平台 C, Xu L, Zhang M, Jiang N. Evaluation food   matrix change impacts on the in vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids in   pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) slices during two drying processes. Food &   Function, 2017, 8, 4693-4702.

5.Zhang Z, Niu   L, Li D*, 投注平台 C, Ma R, Song J, Zhao J. Low intensity ultrasound as a   pretreatment to drying of daylilies: Impact on enzyme inactivation, color   changes and nutrition quality parameters. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2017, 36:   50–58.

6. Zhang Z, Wei   Q, 投注平台 C, Li D*, 投注平台 C, Jiang N. Comparison of four pretreatments on the   drying behaviour and quality of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) slices   during intermittent microwave vacuum-assisted drying. Drying Technology,   2017, 35(11):1347–1357.

7. Zhang Z,   投注平台 Z, Li D*, 投注平台 C, Jiang N, 投注平台 C. Effects of ultrasound pretreatment on   drying kinetics and quality parameters of button mushroom slices. Drying   Technology, 2016, 34(15): 1791-1800.

8.Zhang Z,   Xiao Y, Li D*, 投注平台 C. Identification and quantification of   all-trans-zeaxanthin and its cis-isomers during illumination in a model   system. International Journal of Food Properties, 2016,19:1282–1291.

9.Li D, Xiao   Y, Zhang Z*, 投注平台 C. Light-induced oxidation and isomerization of   all-trans-β-cryptoxanthin in a model system. Journal of Photochemistry and   Photobiology B: Biology, 2015, 142, 51-58.

10.Li D, Xiao   Y, Zhang Z*, 投注平台 C. Analysis of (all-E)-lutein and its (Z)-isomers during   illumination in a model system. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical   analysis, 2014, 100, 33-39.

11.Zhang Z,   Teruya K, Yoshida T, Eto H, Shirahata S*. Fucoidan extract enhances the   anti-cancer activity of chemotherapeutic agents in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7   breast cancer cells. Marine Drugs, 2013, 11(1): 81-98.

12.Zhang Z,   Teruya K, Eto H, Shirahata S*. Induction of apoptosis by low-molecular-weight   fucoidan through calcium- and caspase-dependent mitochondrial pathways in   MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry,   2013, 77(2): 235-242.

Main Scientific Research Projects

The present   work received research funding from the National Natural Science Fundation of   China (Project 31601470) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu   Province of China (Project BK20160581).


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision

Two of   postgraduates under supervision

Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Seven of   supervised masters

Number of   supervised undergraduates

Two of   supervised undergraduates

The above information   updated


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