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Qu Wenjuan

NameQu Wenjuan

Technical postAssociate Professor, Ph.D.

Address301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013



Postdoctory.   2011-2015, Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu Univ., China
  Visiting scholar. 2007-2010, Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Univ.   of California, Davis, USA
  Ph.D. 2004-2010, Food Science, Jiangsu Univ., China
  B.S. 1998-2002, Food Science & Engineering, Qingdao Agriculture Univ.,   China

Professional Experience

2010-present,   Associate professor, Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu Univ., China
Scientific Research Field:
  Associate Prof. Qu’s current research is focused on the 1) extraction of   active ingredients in foods and bioactivity determination, 2) development of   ultrasound technology in extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis, and 3)   application of catalytic infrared technology in drying, enzyme inactivation   and sterilization.

Social academic post and honor:

Teaching Courses

1. Food   Processing Technologies and Equipments
  2. Modern Food Chemistry
  3. Food Sensory Science

Published   papers

1. Wang juan,   Ma Haile, Pan Zhongli, Qu Wenjuan*. Sonochemical effect of flat sweep   frequency and pulsed ultrasound (FSFP) treatment on stability of phenolic   acids in a model system. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017, 39, 707-715;
  2. Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Li Wen, et al. Performance of coupled enzymatic   hydrolysis and membrane separation bioreactor for antihypertensive peptides   production from Porphyra yezoensis protein, 2015, 50(2), 245-252;
  3. Qu Wenjuan, Shi Shuangqian, Li Pingping, et al. Extraction Kinetics and   Properties of Proanthocyanidins from Pomegranate Peel. International Journal   of Food Engineering, 2014, 77(9), 683-695;
  4. Qu Wenjuan, Li Pingping, Hong, Jihua, et al. Thermal stability of liquid   antioxidative extracts from pomegranate peel, Journal of the Science of Food   and Agriculture, 2014, 94(5), 1005-1012

  5. Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, 投注平台 Bin, et al. Enzymolysis reaction kinetics and   thermodynamics of defatted wheat germ protein with ultrasonic pretreatment.   Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013, 20(6), 1408-1413

  6. Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Zhao Weirui, et al. ACE-inhibitory peptides   production from defatted wheat germ protein by continuous coupling of   enzymatic hydrolysis and membrane separation: modeling and experimental   studies. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 226, 139-145

  7. Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Wang Ting, et al. Alternating two-frequency   countercurrent ultrasonic-assisted extraction of protein and polysaccharide   from Porphyra yezoensis. Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao, 2013, 29(1), 285-292

  8. Qu Wenjuan, Breksa Andrew P. III, Pan, Zhongli, et al. Quantitative   determination of major polyphenol constituents in pomegranate products, Food   Chemistry, 2012, 132(3), 1585-1591;
  9. Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Jia Junqiang, et al. Enzymolysis kinetics and   activities of ACE inhibitory peptides from wheat germ protein prepared with   SFP ultrasound-assisted processing, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2012, 19(5),   1021-1026

  10. Qu Wenjuan, Breksa Andrew P. III, Pan Zhongli, et al. Storage stability   of sterilized liquid extracts from pomegranate peel, Journal of Food Science,   2012, 77(7), C765-C772

  11. Pan Zhongli, Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, et al. Continuous and pulsed   ultrasound-assisted extractions of antioxidants from pomegranate peel,   Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2011, 18(5), 1249-1257

  12. Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Pan Zhongli, et al. Preparation and   antihypertensive activity of peptides from Porphyra yezoensis, Food Chemistry,   2010, 123(1), 14-20

  13. Qu Wenjuan, Pan Zhongli, Ma Haile, et al. Extraction modeling and   activities of antioxidants from pomegranate marc, Journal of Food   Engineering, 2010, 99(1), 16-23

  14. Qu Wenjuan, Pan Zhongli, Zhang Ruihong, et al. Integrated extraction and   anaerobic digestion process for recovery of nutraceuticals and biogas from   pomegranate marc, Transactions of the ASABE, 2009, 52(6), 1997-2006

  15. Qu Wenjuan, Pan Zhongli, Zhang Ruihong, et al. Antioxidant extraction and   biogas production from pomegranate marc, American Society of Agricultural and   Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, 6, 3620-3637.

Main Scientific Research Projects

1. National   key projectsCatalytic infrared emitter development and agricultural infrared   processing technical cooperation research (YS2017YFGH000212), 2017-2020.
  2. National Natural Science Fund: Study on protein enzymolysis reaction   promoted by multi-frequency ultrasound and its mechanism (31301423),   2014-2017;
  3. Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Fund: Study on mechanism and control of   sweep frequency ultrasonic treatment on promoting the scavenging free   radicals of Polyphenols (BK2012287), 2012-2015;
  4. Jiangsu Provincial Open Fund of Physical Processing Key Laboratory: Study   on infrared technology and equipment for insecticidal sterilization of   dehydrated vegetables (JAPP2010-6), 2012-2014;
  5. Jiangsu Provincial Postdoctoral Science Fund: Study on sweep frequency and   pulse ultrasonic assisted extraction mechanism and structure-activity   relationship of pomegranate polyphenols (1101039C), 2011-2013;
  6. Jiangsu University Senior Professional Science Fund: Industrialization   technology research of ultrasonic assisted extraction of pomegranate peel   polyphenols (10JDG121), 2010-2013;
  7. Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Support Project
Dehydrated vegetables infrared insecticidal sterilization   technology and equipment development (BE2011382) , 2012-2014;
  8. Jiangsu Provincial International Cooperation Fund
Infrared technology and equipment for insecticidal and   mould sterilization of high quality rice (BZ2012052), 2012-2014;


Applied for 8   invention patents, 5 of them have been authorized.
  Scientific Research Achievements and Awards
  Armand Blanc Prize of 17th CIGR World Congress, 2010

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision

5 master

Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates

15   undergraduates

The above   information updated

Oct.  2017

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