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Wang Yun

NameWang Yun

Technical postPhD supervisor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Room 506



BSc. Jiangsu   Agricultural College, 1996

MSc. Yangzhou   University, 1999

PhD. Nanjing   Agricultural University, 2006

Professional   Experience

Lecture in   Department of Biology at Changshu Institute of Technology, 1999-2002

Associate   professor of Biochemistry, and Department Head of Biotechnology, School of   Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, 2006-current

Visiting   research fellow in School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham   University (UK), 2010-2011

Scientific Research Field

My research   interests involve the use of multidisciplinary methodologies from molecular   biology, proteomics and metabolomics to (i) decipher the underlying   mechanisms involved in the antifungal activity of chitosan against various   pathogenic fungi; (ii) investigate the interaction between fungal pathogens   (such as Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium expansum) and the host plant   tissues, and the possible mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis.

Another   research interest includes the development of immunoaffinity chromatography   and its application to pesticide and veterinary medicine residues detection   in food samples.

Social academic post and honor

Member of   Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vice Director of   Jiangsu Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Invited   journal reviewer for: Biomaterials, Environmental and Experimental Botany,   Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Chromatography B,   Postharvest Biology and Technology, Journal of the Science of Food and   Agriculture, Food and Agricultural Immunology, International Journal of   Biological of Macromolecules

Teaching Courses

Biochemistry   for undergraduate

Separation   Methods in Biochemistry for undergraduate

Advanced   Biochemistry for postgraduate

Published   papers

1.Meng D,   Garba B, Ren Y, Yao M, Xia X, Li M, Wang Y*. Antifungal activity of chitosan   against Aspergillus ochraceus and its possible mechanisms of action.   International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020,   http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.04.213. (IF 4.784)

2.Wang S, Niu   R, Yang Y, Zhou X, Luo S, Zhang C, Wang Y*. Aptamer-functionalized chitosan   magnetic nanoparticles as a novel adsorbent for selective extraction of   ochratoxin A. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 153:   583-590. (IF 4.784)

3.Wang S, Niu   R, Yang Y, Wang Y*. Development and evaluation of a rapid immunomagnetic   extraction for effective detection of zearalenone in agricultural products.   Food Control, 2020, 110, 106973. (IF 4.248)

4.Li M, Chen   C, Xia X, Garba B, Shang L, Wang Y*. Proteomic analysis of the inhibitory   effect of chitosan on Penicillium expansum. Food Science and Technology,   2020, 40(1): 250-257. (IF 1.223)

5.Shang L, Bai   X, Chen C, 投注平台 L, Li M, Xia X, Wang Y*. Isolation and identification of a   Bacillus megaterium strain with ochratoxin A removal ability and antifungal   activity. Food Control, 2019, 106, 106743. (IF 4.248)

6.Niu R, Yang   Y, Wang S, Zhou X, Luo S, Zhang C, Wang Y*. Chitosan microparticle-based   immunoaffinity chromatography supports prepared by membrane emulsification   technique: Characterization and application. International Journal of   Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 131: 1147-1154. (IF 4.784)

7.Niu R, Yang   Y, Wang Y, Luo S, Zhang C, Wang Y*. Development and characterization of an   immunoaffinity column for the detection of danofloxacin residues in milk   samples. Food Science and Technology, 2019, 39: 500-506. (IF 1.223)

8.Betchem G,   Johnson NAN, Wang Y*. The application of chitosan in the control of   post-harvest diseases: a review. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection,   2019, 126: 495-507. (IF 0.946)

9.Xia X, Zhang   Y, Li M, Garba B, Zhang Q, Wang Y*, Zhang H, Li P. Isolation and   characterization of a Bacillus subtilis strain with aflatoxin B1   biodegradation capability. Food Control, 2017, 75: 92-98. (IF 4.248)

10.Xia X, Li   H, 投注平台 F, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Wang Y*, Li P. Proteome changes in Penicillium   expansum grown in a medium derived from host plant. Journal of Microbiology   and Biotechnology, 2017, 27: 624-632. (IF 1.975)

11.Wang Y,   Yang Y, Niu R, Zhu X, Qiang M, Niu G, Wang Y*. Development and application of   an immunoaffinity column clean-up for enrofloxacin determination in food   samples. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2017, 28: 248-259. (IF 2.398)

12.Yang Y,   Wang Y, Niu R, Lu J, Zhu X, Wang Y*. Preparation and characterization of   chitosan microparticles forimmunoaffinity extraction and determination of   enrofloxacin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 93:   783-788. (IF 4.784)

13.Li H, Wang   Y, 投注平台 F, Yang Y, Wu Z, Cai H, Zhang Q, Wang Y*, Li P. Effects of chitosan on   control of postharvest blue mold decay of apple fruit and the possible   mechanisms involved. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 186: 77-83. (IF 1.961)

14.Wu Z, Yuan   X, Li H, 投注平台 F, Wang Y, Li J, Cai H, Wang Y*. Heat acclimation reduces   postharvest loss of table grapes during cold storage - Analysis of possible   mechanisms involved through a proteomic approach. Postharvest Biology and   Technology, 2015, 105: 26-33. (IF 3.927)

15.Cai H, Yuan   X, Pan J, Li H, Wu Z, Wang Y*. Biochemical and proteomic analysis of grape   berries (Vitis labruscana) during cold storage upon postharvest salicylic   acid treatment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62:   10118-10125. (IF 3.571)

16.Yuan X, Wu   Z, Li H, Wang Y, 投注平台 F, Cai H, Newlove A.A, Wang Y*. Biochemical and   proteomic analysis of ‘Kyoho’ grape (Vitis labruscana) berries during cold   storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2014, 88: 79-87. (IF 3.927)

17.Wang Y*,   Wang E, Wu Z, Li H, Zhu Z, Zhu X, Dong Y. Synthesis of chitosan molecularly   imprinted polymers for solid-phase extraction of methandrostenolone.   Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 101: 517-523. (IF 6.044)

18.Wang Y,   Wang E, Dong H, 投注平台 F, Wu Z, Li H, Wang Y*. Preparation of chitosan-based   molecularly imprinted polymers for preconcentration and clean-up of   chloramphenicol. Adsorption Science & Technology, 2014, 4: 321-330. (IF   1.2)

19.Wang Y*,   Wang E, Xu Y, Wu J, Dong Y. Improved preparation of a chitosan-based   immunoaffinity column using antibody against methandrostenolone as ligand.   Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2014, 25:149-159. (IF 2.398)

20.Wang Y*, Li   H, Qiu YF, Li N, Sun WH, Shan ZH. Identification of copper-binding proteins   in soybean seeds by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and mass   spectrometry. Plant Biosystems, 2014, 148: 88-95. (IF 1.525)

21.Wang Y,   Kroon JKM, Slabas AR, Chivasa S. Proteomics reveals new insights into the   role of light in cadmium response in Arabidopsis cell suspension cultures.   Proteomics, 2013, 13: 1145-1158. (IF 4.079)

22.Wang Y*, Xu   Y, Zhang X, Wang E, Wu J, Dong Y. Development and characterisation of an immunoaffinity   column for the selective extraction of methandrostenolone from food and feed   samples. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2013, 24: 231-240. (IF 2.398)

23.Wang Y,   Slabas AR, Chivasa S. Proteomic analysis of dark-response in Arabidopsis cell   suspension cultures. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2012, 169: 1690-1697. (IF   2.825)

24.Wang Y*,   Yuan XZ, Hu H, 投注平台 Y, Sun WH, Shan ZH, Zhou XA. Proteomic analysis of   differentially expressed proteins in resistant soybean leaves after   Phakopsora pachyrhizi infection. Journal of Phytopathology, 2012, 160:   554-560. (IF 1.097)

25.Wang Y*, Hu   H, Zhu L, Li X. Response to nickel in the proteome of the metal accumulator   plant Brassica juncea. Journal of Plant Interactions, 2012, 7: 230-237. (IF   1.839)

26.Wang Y*, Hu   H, Xu Y, Li X, Zhang H. Differential proteomic analysis of cadmium   -responsive proteins in wheat leaves. Biologia Plantarum, 2011, 55: 586-591.   (IF 1.384)

27.Wang Y*, Xu   Y, Zhang X, Wang E, Dong Y. Preparation of an immunoaffinity column and its   application in sample cleanup for methandrostenolone residues detection.   Journal of Chromatography B, 2011, 879: 2149-2154. (IF 2.813)

28.Wang Y*, Xu   Y, Zhang X, Wang E, Dong Y. Development and characterization of a   chitosan-supported immunoaffinity chromatography column for the selective   extraction of methandrostenolone from food and feed samples. International   Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2011 49: 428-432. (IF 4.784)

29.Wang Y*,   Qian YR, Hu H, Xu Y, Zhang HJ. Comparative proteomic analysis of   Cd-responsive proteins in wheat roots. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2011, 33:   349-357. (IF 1.608)

30.Wang Y,   Yang LM, Xu HB, Li QF, Chu CG, Ma ZQ. Differential proteomic analysis of   proteins in wheat spikes induced by Fusarium graminearum. Proteomics, 2005,   5: 4496-4503. (IF 6.088)

31.Wang Y, Guo   ML, Jiang YM. Evaluation of n-valeraldehyde modified chitosan as a matrix for   hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2002,   952: 79-83. (IF 3.092)

32.Wang Y, 投注平台   F, Wang L, Wang Q, Selvaraj JN, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Xing F, 投注平台 Y. pH-signaling   transcription factor AopacC regulates ochratoxin A biosynthesis in   Aspergillus ochraceus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66:   4394-4401. (IF 3.571)

33.Xiang Y, Lu   Y, Song M, Wang Y, Xu W, Wu L, Wang H, Ma Z. Overexpression of a Triticum   aestivum calreticulin gene (TaCRT1) improves salinity tolerance in tobacco.   PLOS ONE, 2015, 10: e0140591. (IF 2.766)

34.Smith SJ,   Wang Y, Slabas AR, Chivasa S. Light regulation of cadmium-induced cell death   in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal and Behavior. Plant Signaling & Behavior   2014, 9: e27578. (IF 1.644)

35.Zhou X,   Dong Y, Wang Y, Xiao X, Xu Y, Xu B, Shi W, Zhang Y, Zhu L, 投注平台 Q. A three   generation study with high-lysine transgenic rice in Sprague-Dawley rats.   Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2012, 50: 1902-1910. (IF 3.775)

36.Xiang Y,   Song M, Wei Z, Tong J, Zhang L, Xiao L, Ma Z, Wang Y. A jacalin-related   lectin- like gene in wheat is a component of the plant defence system.   Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62: 5471-5483. (IF 5.360)

37.Zhou X,   Dong Y, Xiao X, Wang Y, Xu Y, Xu B, Shi W, Zhang Y, Zhu L, 投注平台 Q. A 90-day   toxicology study of high-amylose transgenic rice grain in Sprague-Dawley   rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2011, 49: 3112-3118. (IF 3.775)

Main Scientific Research Projects

1.Preparation   a novel chitosan-based immunoaffinity column and its application to food   safety monitoring. National Key Technologies Research and Development   Program, 2015-2018

2.Accumulation   and regulation of aflatoxin during the early interaction between Aspergillus   flavus and peanut. Open Funds of Key Laboratory of the Ministry of   Agriculture, 2013-2015

3.Establishment   of safety assessment system for transgenic rice lines expressing GL fusion   gene and double antisense branching enzymes gene. National Major Special   Project for the Development of Transgenic Organisms, 2009-2012

4.Preparation   a novel immunoaffinity adsorbent and its application to determination of   residual veterinary drugs.  National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu   Province, 2009-2011

5.Preparation   and Application of chitosan-based immunoaffinity adsorbents. China   Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2007-2009

6.The roles of   Rht3 gene involved in wheat growth and development. National Natural Science   Foundation of China, 2005-2008


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated


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