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Qi Xianghui

Name Qi Xianghui

Technical post

Professor PhD. & M.Sc Supervisor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu   University, Zhenjiang 212013 China



http://www.x-mol.com/groups/Qi_Xianghui (Personal Homepage)

http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xianghui_Qi (ResearchGate)


2016-2017 Yale University, Exchanging Research

2015-2016 University of California, Los Angeles, Visiting Professor

2009-2011 Nanjing University of Technology, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Postdoc

2003-2006 Guangxi University, State Key Laboratory for Conservation & Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources, Microbiology, PhD.

Professional Experience

2016-Present Professor, PhD Supervisor, Jiangsu University

2013-2014 The government of Jingkou District of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, General manager Assistant of Sinograin (Zhenjiang), China

2010-2016 Associate Prof. Master Supervisor, Jiangsu University

2007-2010 Lecturer, Jiangsu University

1998-2000 Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuanshi, Hebei Province, China

Scientific Research Field

Prof. Qi is the head of Microbial Biosynthesis & Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Team. He is mainly engaged in the basic and applied research of synthetic biology. In the fields of biosynthesis and manufacturing of high value-added chemicals, medicine, functional sugar alcohols, etc., he focuses on development of microbial engineering strain, mining and modification (Rational and Irrational design) of enzymes, design and modification of chassis cells based on omics, biotransformation and synthesis, fermentation engineering & technology, metabolic engineering and modulation, development and function of probiotics/prebiotics. His research achievements on the biosynthesis of D-arabtiol, D-tagatose, D-allulose, 3-hydroxypropionic acid, 1,3-propanediol, xylitol, bioethanol and other products have prominent industrialization advantages.

(1) Microbial biosynthesis and intelligent manufacturing;

(2) Microbial fermentation engineering, pathway engineering and biosynthesis;

(3) Molecular enzyme engineering and biocatalysis;

(4) Development, function and application of probiotics and prebiotics

Social academic post and honor

Prof. Qi was served as a high-level talent of the "Six Talent Peaks" in Jiangsu Province, a distinguished professor of the "Minjiang scholars" in Fujian Province, and a nominee for the 2018 person in the field of scientific Chinese environment and light textile; He serves as a director of enzyme branch of Chinese society of food science and technology; He serves as Associate editors of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (JCR Q1, IF=6.064) and Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (JCR Q1, IF=6.113), and as Editor Board of Current Biotechnology and other journals; In addition, he has been invited as Reviewer by more than 90 SCI journals and 10 domestic journals, such as Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF=16.8), Protein & Cell (IF=15.3), ACS Catalysis (IF=13.7), Environmental Chemistry Letters (IF=13.6), Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (IF=11.2), Energy Conversion and Management (IF=11.5), Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=11.1) , Critical reviews in Biotechnology (IF=9.1), etc. He has served as the evaluation expert of high-tech enterprises, National Key R & D project, NSFC, Chile National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT), India (MALVIYA), etc.

Teaching Courses

Microbiology, Enzyme engineering, Biochemical engineering, Synthetic biology, Genetic engineering, Advances in food biotechnology, etc.

Published papers

Prof. Qi had published more than 180 papers, in which about 80 SCI papers and 16 EI papers are as First or Corresponding Author including Sci Bull(IF=20.6,2 papers)、Biotechnol Adv(IF=17.7)、Renew Sust Energ Rev(IF=16.8,3 papers)、Trends Food Sci Tech(IF=16.0,2 papers)、Bioresource Technol(IF=11.9,15 papers)、Energ Convers Manage(IF=11.5)、J Clean Prod(IF=11.1,3 papers)、 Carbohyd Polym(IF=10.7)、ACS Sustain Chem Eng(IF=9.2)、Food Chem(IF=9.2)、Ultrason Sonochem (IF=9.3)、J Environ Manage(IF=8.9)、Fuel(IF=8.0)、Mol Nutr Food Res (IF=6.6)、J Agr Food Chem(IF=5.9,5 papers)、ACS Synth Biol(IF=5.2), etc. The Cumulative Impact Factor > 600 (IF> 8/paper, IF>11: more than 30 papers), in which 4 are Highly Cited Papers and 1 is Hot Paper; In addition, 3 papers were published as co-author on the Journals of IF>15 (Energy Storage Materials, IF=20.8、Renew Sust Energ Rev, IF=16.8、Compr Rev Food Sci F, IF=15.8); Besides, he had published 1 English Book (Elsevier: Nanomaterials for Bio-Catalysis, Co-Chief Editor), and 7 English/Chinese Book Chapter by Springer, Elsevier, etc.


http://www.x-mol.com/groups/Qi_Xianghui (Personal Homepage)

http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xianghui_Qi (ResearchGate)

Main Scientific Research Projects

Prof Qi had presided more than 10 of National Key R & D Program, NSFC, and NSFC International Cooperation and other National Projects.

     [1] National Key R & D Program of China (2022YFC2105501), Green Biological Manufacturing Special Project;

[2] National Key R & D Program of China (2021YFA0910401), Synthetic Biology Special Project;

[3] National Key R & D Program of China(2017YFC1600806): Food Safety Special Project.

[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China (32272284): Biosynthesis of D-Tagatose.

[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China (31972042): Metabolic Engineering for D-arabitol biosynthesis.

[6] National Natural Science Foundation of China (3215041034): Incorporating non-canonical amino acids and immobilization for D-tagatose production.

[7] National Natural Science Foundation of China (31950410550):Biosynthesis of 3-hydroxypropionic acid through duel metabolic routes.

[8] National Natural Science Foundation of China (31571806).

[9] National Natural Science Foundation of China (21006041).

[10] Ministry of Science and Technology, Foreign Experts International Cooperation Program (QNJ20200214015).

[11] Ministry of Science and Technology, Foreign Experts International Cooperation Program (QN2022014005L).

[12] Ministry of Science and Technology, Foreign Experts International Cooperation Program (QN2022014006L).

     [13] Ministry of Science and Technology, Foreign Experts International Cooperation Program (WGXZ2022038L).


He had published more than 30 Chinese patents, and 2 PCT patents,

Please see the details in http://www.x-mol.com/groups/Qi_Xianghui (Personal Homepage)

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Prof. Qi had won 1 first prize (2020), 2 second prizes (2017, 2015), and 1 third prize (2021) of Jiangsu province achievement, one award of excellent graduate thesis instructor of Jiangsu Province (2020), 1 second and 1 third prizes of Zhenjiang (2016 and 2013), more than 10 honorary titles such as excellent teacher (2020), excellent research supervisor (2020) and excellent graduate thesis instructor (2013-2022) of Jiangsu university.;

Number of postgraduates under supervision

12 Master students, 9 Doctoral students, 5 postdoctors

Number of supervised masters and Ph.D.

17 Master students, 1 Doctoral students, 5 postdoctors

Number of supervised undergraduates

2-6 per annum

The above   information updated

Dec. 2022

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