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Li Dajing

NameLi Dajing

Technical postdoctoral supervisor

AddressInstitute of Farm Products Processing, Jiangsu Academy of   Agricultural Sciences (50 Zhongling street, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province,   210014, P. R. China)



Sep. 1994-June   1998, Northeast Agricultural University, P. R. China, Bachelor’s degree in   Engineering specializing in Food Science

 Sep.   1998-June 2001, Northeast Agricultural University, P. R. China, Master’s   degree in Engineering specializing in Food Chemistry

 Sep.   2003- June 2006, Northeast Forestry University, P. R. China, Doctor’s degree   in Engineering specializing in Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest   Products

Professional   Experience

July 2001-Aug.   2004, College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, P. R. China   Assistant professor (Agri-Food Science and Technology)

 Sep.   2004-Aug.2007, College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, P. R.   China Lecturer (Agri-Food Science and Technology)

 Sep.   2006-Aug.2008, Postdoctoral research, Institute of Farm Products Processing,   Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences P. R. China

 Sep.   2007-Aug. 2013, College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, P. R.   China Institute of Farm Products Processing, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural   Sciences P. R. China, Associate professor  (Agri-Food processing)

 Sep.   2013-present, Vice director o Institute of Farm Products Processing, Jiangsu   Academy of Agricultural Sciences P. R. China, Professor (Agri-Food   processing); Vice director of Engineering Research Center for Agricultural   Products Processing, National Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation   Center in East China.

   Dec.2008-present, College of Food Science and Technology, Jiangsu University,   P. R. China, Supervisor of Master graduates, Supervisor of Doctor graduates

 Nov.   2014-present, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences P. R. China, Post   doctoral tutor on Farm Products Processing.

Scientific Research Field

Research on   fruits and vegetables products deep-processing and nutritional chemistry in   carotenoids and phenolic compounds.

Social academic post and honor

Sep.   2008-present, Senior Member, the Council of National Food Science and   Technology, P. R. China;

 Oct.   2013-present, Director, Branch of Agricultural Products Storage and   Processing from Agriculture Academy Association, P. R. China.

Teaching Courses

Published   papers

[1] Weiwei He,   Yuxi Wang, Zhuqing Dai, Chunquan 投注平台*, Yadong Xiao, Qiuyu Wei, Jiangfeng   Song, Dajing Li*. Effect of UV-B radiation and a supplement of CaCl2 on   carotenoid biosynthesis in germinated corn kernels [J]. Food Chemistry, 2019,   278: 509-514.

[2] Zhongyuan   Zhang, Qiuyu Wei, Meimei Nie, Ning Jiang, Chunju 投注平台, Chunquan 投注平台, Dajing   Li*, Lang Xu. Microstructure and bioaccessibility of different carotenoid   species as affected by hot air drying: Study on carrot, sweet potato, yellow   bell pepper and broccoli [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 96:   357–363.

[3] Yadong   Xiao, Wuyang Huang, Dajing Li*, Jiangfeng Song, Chunquan 投注平台, Qiuyu Wei, Min   Zhang, Qiuming Yang. Thermal degradation kinetics of all-trans and   cis-carotenoids in a light-induced model system [J]. Food Chemistry, 2018,   239: 360–368.

[4] Ning   Jiang, Chunquan 投注平台, Dajing Li*, Jing Zhang, Zhongyuan Zhang, Jiapeng Huang,   Zhifang Yu. Effect of thermosonic pretreatment and microwave vacuum drying on   the water state and Glass Transition Temperature in Agaricus bisporus Slices   [J]. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2018, 11(1):172-184.

[5] Jiangfeng   Song, Gang Wu, Chunquan 投注平台, Dajing Li*. Effect of exogenous spermine on   chilling injury and antioxidant defense system of immature vegetable soybean   during cold storage [J]. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2018,   55:4297-4303.

[6] Zhongyuan   Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang, Yixiang Li, Qiuyu Wei, Meimei Nie, Dajing Li*, Yadong   Xiao, Chunquan 投注平台, Lang Xu, Min Zhang, Ning Jiang. Evaluation of the impact   of food matrix change of food matrix changeon the in vitro bioaccessibility   of carotenoids in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) slices during two drying processes[J].   Food & function,  2017, 8(12):4693-4702

[7] Zhongyuan   Zhang, Qiuyu Wei, Chunju 投注平台, Dajing Li*, Chunquan 投注平台, Ning Jiang.Comparison   of four pretreatments on the drying behaviour and quality of taro (Colocasia   esculenta L. Schott) slices during intermittent microwave vacuum-assisted   drying [J].Drying Technology, 2017,35(11): 1347-1357.

[8] Zhongyuan   Zhang, Liying Niu, Dajing Li*, Chunquan 投注平台, Rui Ma, Jiangfeng Song, Jiangtao   Zhao  Low intensity ultrasound as a pretreatment to drying of daylilies:   Impact on enzyme inactivation, color changes and nutrition quality parameters   [J].Ultrasonic Sonochemistry,  2017, 36: 50-58.

[9] Jiangfeng   Song, Dajing Li*, Meijuan He, Jieqiong Chen, Chunquan 投注平台. Comparsion of   carotenoid composition in immature and mature grains of corn (Zea Mays L.)   varieties [J]. International Journal of Food Properties, 2016, 19: 351-358.

[10] Zhongyuan   Zhang, Yadong Xiao, Dajing Li*, Chunquan 投注平台. Identification and   quantification of all-trans zeaxanthin and its cis-isomers during   illuminationin a model system [J]. International Journal of Food Properties,   2016, 19:1282-1291.

[11] Dajing   Li, Yadong Xiao, Zhongyuan Zhang*, Chunquan 投注平台. Light-induced oxidation and   isomerization of all-trans β-cryptoxanthin in a model system [J]. Journal of   Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2015, 142: 51-58.

[12] Dajing   Li, Jiangfeng Song, Chunquan 投注平台. Stereoisomers identification and storage   stability of microencapsulated marigold lutein [J]. International Journal of   Food Properties, 2015, 18(1): 178-185.

[13] Jiangfeng   Song, Dajing Li*, Huili Pang, Chunquan 投注平台. Effect of ultrasonic waves on the   stability of all-trans lutein and its degradation kinetics [J]. Ultrasonics   sonochemistry, 2015, 27: 602-608.

[14] Dajing   Li, Jiangfeng Song*, Aiqin Xu, Chunquan 投注平台. Optimization of the   ultrasound-assisted synthesis of lutein disuccinate using uniform design [J].   Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2014, 21: 98-103.

[15] Dajing   Li, Yadong Xiao, Zhongyuan Zhang*, Chunquan 投注平台. Analysis of (all-E)-lutein   and its (Z)-isomers during illumination in a model system [J]. Journal of   Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2014, 100: 33-39.

[16] Dajing   Li, Jiangfeng Song, Chunquan 投注平台. Kinetic stability of lutein in freeze-dried   sweet corn powder stored under different conditions [J]. Food Science and   Technology Research, 2014, 20(1): 65-70.

[17] Jiangfeng   Song, Dajing Li, Chunquan 投注平台, Lili Meng. Effect of cooking methods on total   phenolics and carotenoids amounts and DPPH radical scavenging activity of   fresh and frozen sweet corn (Zea mays) kernel[J]. Czech Journal of Food   Sciences, 2013, 31(6): 607-612.

[18] Fuguo   投注平台, Liying Niu, Dajing Li, Bangquan Jin, Chunquan 投注平台. Kinetic   characterization and thermal inactivation of peroxidase in aqueous extracts   from sweet corn and waxy corn[J]. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2013,   6(10): 2800-2807.

[19] Jiangfeng   Song, Chunquan 投注平台, Dajing LiZhenxin Gu. Evaluation of sugar, free amino acid, and   organic acid compositions ofdifferent varieties of vegetable soybean (Glycine   max [L.] Merr)[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2013, 2(1): 743-749.

Main Scientific Research Projects

1.National   Natural Science Foundation projects. Regulatory mechanism of UV-B combined   with salinity stress for lutein enrichment in maize sprout

2.National   Natural Science Foundation projects. Research on the chemical modification of   all trans lutein and its mechanism;

3. Jiangsu   province Agricultural Science and Technology projects. Lutein enzymatic   extraction and its soft capsule key-technology research and development;

4. Provincial   Jiangsu province Agricultural Science and Technology innovation fund projects.   Special agricultural products processing and storage technology research and   industrialization demonstration; Deep processing key-technology and equipment   research of Jiangsu 'Siqing' crops and their enhanced qualities; Combined   drying key-technology research and application of aquatic vegetable snack   foods;

5. Department   of Agriculture public welfare industry specific projects. Characteristics of   high-value combinatorial explosion puffing and comprehensive utilization of   by-products of fruits and vegetables; Research and demonstration of energy   efficient drying technology of edible fungi;

6.Ministry of   Agriculture projects. National Vegetable Processing Technology R & D   Specialty Center; Aquatic vegetable and processing technology integration   projects;


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

The provincial   science and technology progress first prizes(1) and second prizes (2), the   municipal science and technology progress prizes (6), a JAAS science and   technology grand prize (3), China Food Industry Association for Science and   Technology (CFIAST) grand prize and other society awards (5).

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated


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